Pilot Product
New: Introducing Flux Insights in Pilot

New: Introducing Flux Insights in Pilot

Written by 
Maggie Lin
June 8, 2021
New: Introducing Flux Insights in Pilot

Do you feel like you understand how your business’s spending changes month-to-month? How hard is it for you to find out? When we asked our customers these questions, the most common response was “not really,” and “too hard.”

At Pilot, we’re committed to making financial insights easily accessible, so you have the right data to make better business decisions. That’s why today, we’re excited to announce the new Flux Insights report available in your Pilot account.

Monitor monthly expense trends with the Flux Insights report 

Flux Insights makes it easier than ever to monitor trends in your spending, and understand your company’s expenses. Each month, the report flags notable changes in your monthly spending, and builds an easy-to-read report explaining what happened. You can easily identify the transactions and vendors that contributed to the change, and if there are specific areas that might need a closer look.

Identify spend fluctuations by expense category 

Flux Insights allows you to track spending by expense category (did your software expenses suddenly jump one month? Recruiting costs suddenly drop?), and also compare your spend over time. This makes it simpler to understand where you’re spending money and how you’re tracking against forecasted spend, both overall and by specific expense categories. 

View Flux Insights in Pilot and as part of your monthly books 

Flux Insights are now available to all customers when they log into Pilot, under the Insights tab. The report will also be available in excel format as part of the monthly books we deliver. 

Interested in learning more about Pilot? Register here for our weekly demo.

Still managing your own books? Learn how Pilot can help you save time and get the financial data you need for better business decisions.

Suggested Reading

The Four Things That Matter When You’re After Hyper-Growth

6 Ways Founders Can Improve Their Personal Finances

What Is a Fractional CFO and Do I Need One?

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