
The Founder Salary Report 2021

How much should founders be paying themselves, and what’s “normal?” To find out, we asked 150+ founders about their salaries.

Download the 2021 Founder Salary Survey Report for an in-depth look at our findings, including:

What's inside

  • Ranges, averages, and distributions for 150+ founder salaries
  • Analysis by company size, funding level, and geography
  • Deep-dive breakouts for regions with the highest response rates
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Hear from:

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Questions we asked respondents

  • How much do they pay themselves?
  • How many employees do they have?
  • How much funding have they raised?
  • Where is their company located?

Questions we asked respondents

  • How much do they pay themselves?
  • How many employees do they have?
  • How much funding have they raised?
  • Where is their company located?

Get the Founder Salary Report 2021 now


Get the Founder Salary Report 2021 now

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